Monday, March 12, 2007

#36 - March 12th CNN - Sins of the Father

Tonight, Monday, March 12th at 10:00 pm ET, Cnn will be broadcasting an hourlong program to the story of Thomas Roberts, news anchor. Mr. Roberts will share his story of surviving abuse at the hands of Calvert Hall chaplain, "Father Jeff" Toohey.

Read more here: - Anderson Cooper 360

and here:

CNN to air sex-abuse documentary -

Please make sure to check your local television listings for the proper time.

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Voice of the Faithful was formed in response to the clergy sex abuse scandal in Boston Massachusetts.

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Voice Of the Faithful

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Mr. Roberts & Mr.Goles

My name is Mark Allen
I am writing to thank both of you for coming forward and telling of the things that happened to you.
Because I am afraid to do what you have done.
I too have been an abused person from earlier than I can remember 

A neighbor man, Of the age of about 18 years old.
recognizing the signs of a troubled little child, sought
out and secured my trust in him, as a person that cared about me.
Upon doing so he shortly thereafter inflicted the heinous crimes of sodomy and years of terrorizing child molestation upon me for the
remainder of the 7 years in my foster home.
With no self-worth and no one to turn to, I became a child
uninterested in anything –– fearing to be in the home and out of it.
This all finally gave rise to the schools attention and upon investigation
I was placed in a child protective-care arrangement. They never found out about the sexual abuse.
Although protected I was to say the very least a broken spirited child.
No Trust, No focus and no heart.

I tell you this story to release a pain that never goes away. A pain of shame and of unending mental confussion.

I am sorry that you both had to go through this and I know that there are likely many more that have to deal with this but the issue is that we need not only to stop those that are doing this to children but how to live with this.
My emailing address is
Gentelmen thank you.
And CNN thank you for airing this.